Senin, 14 Mei 2012

Computer Teacher

"I think...!"
By: Rofinus Emi Lejap

The computer teacher is calling or the 

name for the person who is a science teacher of ICT in schools or teachers' computers. Indeed there are a variety of nicknames for people who carry out duties in the community as a teacher, depending on the area of ​​expertise and controlled by a teacher.
Computer teacher has special expertise regarding computer and software related to education and the kind of education are facing. Hardware or the hardware is basically the same, but the software of different.

And most importantly, a computer teacher must have the competencies to meet the basic qualifications and be recognized as a teacher. Academic quality gained through education and direct recognition of the institution which makes a person become a computer teacher.

Expertise that should be owned by a Master Computer is:

Didactic and methodical: Master's control computer science teaching and teaching methods of reason and applies it to the learners. Teachers must have teaching skills using creative methods.

Didactic from Greek: Didache didáskein or a means of teaching, learning is a method that follows the scientific approach or consistent style of education to get in touch with the minds of learners.

Learners who are still in a chair playgroup teachers teach and how to apply computer methods that match the child's world. While to students, teachers, computer uses the principle of Andragogy, namely education for adults with more interactive.

While the methodology associated with the learning method. Didactic is often distinguished by a dialectical or Socratic method. This term is also often refers to a certain didactic methods such as constructivist didactic.

Didactic and methodical is the scientific discipline that seeks to answer questions about how the knowledge, skills, and attitudes can be taught by a teacher to the student.

Knowledge and Insight: A teacher must have the knowledge, especially about computers and computer software. Because computer science is always evolving to follow the times.

Classroom Management Strategies have: A computer teacher, have an obligation to teach computer subjects. In addition it has an obligation to educate students to be moral and ethical. So that the maximum liability was implemented, teachers need to have strategies to manage student or class properly.

Teaching skills: Excellent knowledge remains to be proved by teaching skills. How to engage students and deliver the material to be easily accepted by them.

has the Knowledge and Skills: The teacher is also an administrator, because it must account for all its work since the creation of learning programs are delivered to the principal and the chairman of the foundation. And the whole learning process until the final evaluation, the teacher must also be accountable to the principal that is passed on to the students and parents.

Have evaluative skills: Evaluation continues both in the learning process and to determine the quality of students during the period of study.

Have specialized knowledge of computer hardware and software as well as the skills to operate it: Teachers themselves will say teachers' omdo, "or speak only aliases are not proven in practice. So in addition to teaching the theory of knowledge, teachers themselves should be able to practice it.

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